[Title from They Might Be Giants.]
This week, I got a question from my father Steve: We're able to identify the source of nuclear materials used in reactors and weapons from their isotope ratios. Could we do the same thing to figure out which star material that hits Earth came from?
First, let's talk about isotopes: Atoms are made up of a nucleus or protons and neutrons, surrounded by a cloud of electrons. The number of protons tells you what element the atom is – one for hydrogen, two for helium, and on down the periodic table. The number of electrons tells you the charge of the atom – neutral if it's equal to the number of protons, negative or positive for more or fewer electrons. Finally, the number of neutrons tells you the isotope – These are variations on the same element. For example, most carbon on Earth is called carbon-12, which has 6 protons and 6 neutrons for a total atomic mass of 12. However, some is carbon-14, which has 6 protons (since it's still carbon), but 8 neutrons. This configuration is unstable, and gradually decays to carbon-12. The mixture of carbon-14 and carbon-12 leads to radiocarbon dating, which is used in archeology to measure the age of excavations.
Natural uranium is almost all U-238, with small amounts of U-235 and a few other isotopes. Putting it in a nuclear reactor though will change those ratios. As the U-238 decays, it loses neutrons, raising the amount of U-235 present. The amount of U-235 in a sample can be further increased through enrichment, which uses various methods (often advanced centrifuges, which come up in nuclear policy) to separate the lighter U-235 from the heavier U-238. There can also be other isotopes of other elements mixed in depending on the exact process a reactor was using.
Now to stellar compositions: Stars are mostly made up of hydrogen, but the star's mass causes the hydrogen to fuse into helium, releasing energy that helps keep the star from collapsing. Helium can fuse too, and that can continue a few steps down the periodic table, but it's limited, typically petering out near iron:
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Wikipedia (Click to enlarge) |
The elements in yellow may be present in an active star, and will be spread around the universe when the star eventually explodes. We can find which are in a given star by looking at their absorption spectra:
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Wikipedia |
The star emits light in a black-body spectrum due to its heat, but the elements it contains will absorb some of that light, leading to dark bands on the spectrum. The frequencies (colors) of those bands correspond to different elements that let us determine the composition of the star.
Now to Steve's suggestion: When massive particles hit the Earth, could we use their makeup to associate them with a particular star? To my understanding, the answer is no, the particles that hit us are typically single protons or neutrons, not entire atoms, and certainly not the collection of atoms that would be needed to find a concentration of certain isotopes. There's another problem too: Uranium and other elements typically associated with isotopic signatures aren't present in active stars – If you look at the table above, you see those need neutron star collisions to form.
So it seems this idea won't work for distant stars, but if we screw things up badly enough on Earth, future scientists will be able to figure out where things went wrong, and curse that we ever trusted Mr. Clevver.
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